Flights from Libreville Airport (LBV) to Johannesburg Airport Airport (JNB)

You have a choice of 2 airline companies when flying from Libreville to Oliver Reginald Tambo International. The flight time from Libreville to Oliver Reginald Tambo International is around 5 Hours 1 Minute and you will cover 3,580 Km (2,225 Miles). The airport code for Libreville is LBV and for Oliver Reginald Tambo International it is JNB.

The cost of your trip (flights) can change at weekends and at certain times of the day (if there is a choice of flights to your chosen destination. If you are looking to get the cheapest flights possible then we recommend you travel mid week or in the late evening. On occasions, airliners may have special offers so look out for these. We recommend booking your flights to Oliver Reginald Tambo International South Africa in advance as prices normally increase the nearer the departure date.

Please note that the time difference at Oliver Reginald Tambo International is 2.0 GMT. So remember to change your watch before arriving at Oliver Reginald Tambo International.

Below you will see all the airlines that fly from Libreville (LBV) to Oliver Reginald Tambo International (JNB) and the number of flights they operate each day.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Ethiopian Airlines100100000:4000:40VIEW FLIGHTS
Asky Airlines100100000:4000:40VIEW FLIGHTS

The most direct flights offered from Libreville to Oliver Reginald Tambo International South Africa are by Ethiopian Airlines with around 2 flights a week. These operate from 00:40 with the latest flight being at 00:40. The most popular flight no is ET1048.

When travelling with Ethiopian Airlines it would be worth visiting their website for further information on bookings and special offers.

Below you can see the times of all flights. These flight times do vary so we recommend you look on the appropriate airline website for accurate information for the dates you are departing.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
Ethiopian AirlinesET1048
Asky AirlinesKP74
Ethiopian AirlinesET1048
Asky AirlinesKP74

Remember to have some local currency before travelling to Oliver Reginald Tambo International as there may not be a bureau de change open upon your arrival.

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Flight Price FAQ - Libreville (LBV) to Johannesburg (JNB)

1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Libreville LBV to Johannesburg JNB?
The cheapest return flight from Libreville LBV to Johannesburg JNB is £810.45 ($1015 €940.95)
$1015 | €940.95
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Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Libreville (LBV) to Johannesburg (JNB)

Who flies from Libreville to Johannesburg?
The following airlines fly from Libreville (LBV) to Johannesburg (JNB): Asky Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines.
How far is the flight from Libreville to Johannesburg?
The flight from Libreville to Johannesburg is 3,580KM or 2,225 miles.
How long does the flight from Libreville to Johannesburg to take?
The flight from Libreville to Johannesburg takes 5 Hours 1 Minute.

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